Friday, August 30, 2013

15 Questions thingy~

-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : Fleshgod Apocalypse - Elegy-

Well, I was tagged by Anis Syahirah, and I was forced to do it... So here it goes...

1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
None, I go by my real name... Only my friends call me Kuda...Which means Horse... Yes, it's a fuckin animal...

2. What's a weird habit of yours?
To be honest, I really have no idea... Besides biting my nails... And reading a book while taking a dump... I need to read something while shitting, it's natural.... For me at least...

3. Do you have any weird phobias?
Fuckin Cockroaches... Although it's not that weird but yeah... Fuckin cockroaches...

4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? 
Let me be honest with you right now, I don't really have a secret song... I play/sing what the fuck I want, when the fuck I want... Hell, I don't really care what people say actually... And I am a Brony, so fuckin deal with it...

5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves? (The question asked for one but I'll include some, another question that deserves a whole blog post)
Erm, assholes perhaps??? I mean, I do meet different kinds of people, and since I did go through some dark times in my life, so I don't really care...

Wait, there's actually a few, let me list em down for you...
  • Playing loud music/sound/ games when people are around, especially if you are living with you... Fuckin annoying... And being too loud in general...
  • Listening to screamo/ most english mainstream music...

6. What’s one of your nervous habits?
Feeling the need to get a fast injection of nicotine into my bloodstream a.k.a Smoking... I don't really know, to be honest...

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Center, right, and left... Mostly center...

8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?
Can't remember if I did have any when I was still a child... The only thing I remember was getting a stuffed Ginger-bread man whom I named Mr. Ginger... HUEHUEHUE!!!

9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
Pure Vanilla, no coffee plus whipped cream... The same shit at any coffee store...

10. What's a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
WTF??? Like seriously, wtf???

11. Which way do you face in the shower?
The wall... Where the shower head is...

12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
I don't think so...

13. What's your favorite comfort food that's 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
Does cigarette counts as food??? No??? Well, erm... Ice cream perhaps??? One thing, living in Cyberjaya taught a student that there is no such thing as comfort food, unless you're filthy rich or something...

14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? 

15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?
Shorts and an old seasoned tshirt...

16. What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn't that hot?
My boxer... Used to be very comfy and pretty (IT'S BABY BLUE IN COLOUR!!!), now the rubber that was suppose to hold at my waists is loose, and the fuckin thing kept on slipping down, showing my buttcrack... Not that I am wearing my boxers only, but I can feel it slithering down my gigantic yet awesome pair of asses... So yeah, not cool~

That's all I guess...


Thursday, June 20, 2013


-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : Vahaya - Dissolution -

                          Well hello fellow readers!!! ( or no hello to you)...Well, it’s been years since I’ve updated my blog... I am a lazy ass male...So it’s hard to find time ( Yeah right) to manage my stupid awful blog... With games, games, games and games, yeah, I have no time to do that anymore...BUT I DID!!! I know this does not make any fuckin sense,but I think I might try and update this blog as often as I can...LLOLOLOLOL~

                          My last post was... Lemme check that piece of junk *searches the web for my old blog*.. OH!!! My last fuckin post was 2 years ago... Damn... That was when I had just started studying in MMU... The university’s ok, but erghhh, the cost of living here is quite high... Fuckin high for a student, I suppose...

                         This past 2 years, a lot of things happened... Both my Sister and my Brother got married... I was happy for the both of them... OH!!! I’VE GOT 2 NEW NEPHEWS!!! THEY ARE SO RIDICULOUSLY CUTE, I COULD SQUISH THEIR WOOBY-TUBBY FACE ALL DAY!!! ( but then they’d scream and cry and I’ll panic like a fuckin idiot)

                         Herm... What else can I tell...I dont really know actually... Other than the fact that at the moment, my fuckin wrist hurts (Right hand)... No, not from fapping, it’s from football... Well, it’s ok I guess... I’m used to getting injured anyway...

                         Oh, I also play online video games now... Started playing Blacklight : Retribution last September I think... And I got hooked on the game instantly... Now now, I am not going to fucking talk about the game... You guys should check that out yourself... It’s an FPS, btw... You dont know what that is??? BOO-HOOO!!! There’s this shit called “search Engine”... Go and use it...

                         Herm, I dont really know what to write, actually... I’ll continue my blabbering about my life when I do have the time and idea to do so... Well, it’s not my blog, anyways... Maybe, I’ll try and re-live my old fucked up blog... Well, no promises fellas!!!

