Friday, August 30, 2013

15 Questions thingy~

-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : Fleshgod Apocalypse - Elegy-

Well, I was tagged by Anis Syahirah, and I was forced to do it... So here it goes...

1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
None, I go by my real name... Only my friends call me Kuda...Which means Horse... Yes, it's a fuckin animal...

2. What's a weird habit of yours?
To be honest, I really have no idea... Besides biting my nails... And reading a book while taking a dump... I need to read something while shitting, it's natural.... For me at least...

3. Do you have any weird phobias?
Fuckin Cockroaches... Although it's not that weird but yeah... Fuckin cockroaches...

4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? 
Let me be honest with you right now, I don't really have a secret song... I play/sing what the fuck I want, when the fuck I want... Hell, I don't really care what people say actually... And I am a Brony, so fuckin deal with it...

5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves? (The question asked for one but I'll include some, another question that deserves a whole blog post)
Erm, assholes perhaps??? I mean, I do meet different kinds of people, and since I did go through some dark times in my life, so I don't really care...

Wait, there's actually a few, let me list em down for you...
  • Playing loud music/sound/ games when people are around, especially if you are living with you... Fuckin annoying... And being too loud in general...
  • Listening to screamo/ most english mainstream music...

6. What’s one of your nervous habits?
Feeling the need to get a fast injection of nicotine into my bloodstream a.k.a Smoking... I don't really know, to be honest...

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Center, right, and left... Mostly center...

8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?
Can't remember if I did have any when I was still a child... The only thing I remember was getting a stuffed Ginger-bread man whom I named Mr. Ginger... HUEHUEHUE!!!

9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
Pure Vanilla, no coffee plus whipped cream... The same shit at any coffee store...

10. What's a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
WTF??? Like seriously, wtf???

11. Which way do you face in the shower?
The wall... Where the shower head is...

12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
I don't think so...

13. What's your favorite comfort food that's 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
Does cigarette counts as food??? No??? Well, erm... Ice cream perhaps??? One thing, living in Cyberjaya taught a student that there is no such thing as comfort food, unless you're filthy rich or something...

14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? 

15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?
Shorts and an old seasoned tshirt...

16. What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn't that hot?
My boxer... Used to be very comfy and pretty (IT'S BABY BLUE IN COLOUR!!!), now the rubber that was suppose to hold at my waists is loose, and the fuckin thing kept on slipping down, showing my buttcrack... Not that I am wearing my boxers only, but I can feel it slithering down my gigantic yet awesome pair of asses... So yeah, not cool~

That's all I guess...


Thursday, June 20, 2013


-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : Vahaya - Dissolution -

                          Well hello fellow readers!!! ( or no hello to you)...Well, it’s been years since I’ve updated my blog... I am a lazy ass male...So it’s hard to find time ( Yeah right) to manage my stupid awful blog... With games, games, games and games, yeah, I have no time to do that anymore...BUT I DID!!! I know this does not make any fuckin sense,but I think I might try and update this blog as often as I can...LLOLOLOLOL~

                          My last post was... Lemme check that piece of junk *searches the web for my old blog*.. OH!!! My last fuckin post was 2 years ago... Damn... That was when I had just started studying in MMU... The university’s ok, but erghhh, the cost of living here is quite high... Fuckin high for a student, I suppose...

                         This past 2 years, a lot of things happened... Both my Sister and my Brother got married... I was happy for the both of them... OH!!! I’VE GOT 2 NEW NEPHEWS!!! THEY ARE SO RIDICULOUSLY CUTE, I COULD SQUISH THEIR WOOBY-TUBBY FACE ALL DAY!!! ( but then they’d scream and cry and I’ll panic like a fuckin idiot)

                         Herm... What else can I tell...I dont really know actually... Other than the fact that at the moment, my fuckin wrist hurts (Right hand)... No, not from fapping, it’s from football... Well, it’s ok I guess... I’m used to getting injured anyway...

                         Oh, I also play online video games now... Started playing Blacklight : Retribution last September I think... And I got hooked on the game instantly... Now now, I am not going to fucking talk about the game... You guys should check that out yourself... It’s an FPS, btw... You dont know what that is??? BOO-HOOO!!! There’s this shit called “search Engine”... Go and use it...

                         Herm, I dont really know what to write, actually... I’ll continue my blabbering about my life when I do have the time and idea to do so... Well, it’s not my blog, anyways... Maybe, I’ll try and re-live my old fucked up blog... Well, no promises fellas!!!



Friday, April 8, 2011




Rsa cam celaka pon ada gak la nih...HP kesayanganku (Nokia xpress music erm...Pa model pon aku xingat) sedang mencelakakn diri beliau dengan jayanya...

Peliaq toi...

La nih xleh nk switch on sbb button nk "on" rosak...

Dok tekan-tekan-tekan...Xlei nk pi gak...

Dah gagah abeh dh tuuu~

Nih yg kedua nih...


Nih bru isi sebetoinya...

Td just pembuka cerita...Kiranya,kalau pi kenduri tuh,baru dok hirup teh sambei boh laksa dlu (uih!!!Lapaq laksa lak dahhh)...

Nih pasai dugaan melihat rakan-rakan serta sahabat-sahabat berjaya...

Nih bukan kes dengki ka apa nooo~

Nih just...Erm...Terkilan sebab xdapat nk join depa skali pi sambung blajaq kat luaq ngara...

Nak buat lagu mna...Sndri buat,sndri tanggung la beb!!!Org soh pi blajaq,hat dok pi buat mnatang len buat pa kn???La nih,padan muka sndri...HAHAHA!!!

Time kt KYUEM tuh laaa,bru nk kenai dunia...

Mau dak,Skola rendah dr drjh 1 smpi 6,dok takut kt pmpuan...

Masuk form 1 smpi form 3 kt ipoh,dok fobia ag,tp dikurgkn...Ditmbh lak dgn ke-antisosialan nih...HAHAHA!!!

Masuk form 4 smpi form 5,dok skola kat ASiS,skola sausage lak...


Bila masuk KYUEM tuh laaa,bru cerah sket mata...Dapat tengok pmpuan2 cekci(soli cik Anis!!!) hat pakai bju pi klas seghupa mcm nk kluaq pi pekan...Dpt mengenal bnda2 xelok...Rokok tuh toksah dok kira laaa,tuh strt dr frm 1 ag...Msuk form 3 yg jd perokok tegar tanpa lesen bersepadu...

Bnyk bnda ag laaa yg "kenai" kat KY tuh...Herm...Macam2...

Oleh sebab2 itulah,aku pi lak tinggai stadi,dok hu-ha,hu-ha bnyk sgt...Last2,kantoi A-Levels... Org len suma wat kendughi kesyukuran dpt fly,aku pi balun nasik kenduri kawin...Sapa kawen pon aku tatao...Aku men ikut Atak aku jaaa...Dh dia ajak makan cemei,aku balun ja laaa...

Bila teringat balik,sronok tuh mmg bnyk...Bnyk sgt kenangan kat apartment F-L2-10 (apartment gua la beb,sarang melakukan jenayah terancang...Hehehe)...Tapi bila sampai penghujung flashback,msti sedih nya...Hat len suma dok jelajah negara org,aku nih terduduk kat cni ag...Hanya mampu melihat,tersenyum,dan mendoakan yg terbaik utk depa2 kat sana...

Nak teghiak pon xguna dah...Bnda suma dh lepaih...Nih nk tunggu depa balik lak bulan 6 nnti... Nk sembang2 ngan depa...

La nih,mmg rsa geram n sedih...Tgk depa post mcm2 kat fesbuk...Gambaq lah...Update status nga eurotrip lah...Upload video lah...Yang paling aku bengang n rsa nk maki(actually,dh maki dh pun),bila pi tag aku utk event kat sana...APA LANCAU PUKI BABI LA WEI!!!Bukan pa,mcm memperli aku ja nih...Mmg buat panaih jaaa~

Tp yg untuk len2 tuh(new status,pictures,vids,etc.),mmg aku xlei nk buat pa2 la...Just hanya mampu tersenyum,dan menangis dlm hati...Ada yg ok tuh,ok laaa...Ada yg sstgh tuh,aku add, asyik reject jaaa...Mampuih pi kat hng laaa...Yg aku leh buat utk2 mmber2 aku,just tumpang gembira ja laaa...


La nih,aku kat MMU,Cyberjaya...Dugaan lagi hebat...Tapi,kawalan diri jd lagi hebat gak...Faktor utama,duit...Mahai gak laaa nk idup kat situ...Kna pandai carik tmpt mkn yg murah,bru lei survive...Hehehe...


Itu ja laaa crita takat nih...

Kalo rajin,aku update lagi laaa...Tatao laaa bila tuh...HAHAHA!!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Zombie di Malaysia???

-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : Diesel Machine - Bones and All -


Topik diatas amat menarik untuk kita bualkan yaaa~!!!!


Di Malaysia???

Kenapa di malaysia takdak filem zombie???

Dan jangan ckp filem Zombie Kampung Pisang, sebab itu bukan cita zombie...

Itu cita katun yang dilakonkan oleh manusia...

Zombie-zombie dalam crita tersebut mcm baru terjatuh dlm parit ...Memang mcm bangang...

Topik kali ini untuk cita zombie yang dahsyat giler!!!Tapi awat xdak kat malaysia???

Kalo KL Drift lei dibuat sempena nak tiru Tokyo Drift, xkan laaaa xlei buat cita Penduduk Jahat (Resident Evil) atau Doploh Lapan (28) hari/minggu kemudian(28 Days/weeks Later) atau pon Malam/Senja/Hari/Tanah/Dairi untuk orang yang mati (Night/Dawn/Day/Land/Diary of the Dead)???

Ada beberapa faktor penting yang dirasakan agak penting untuk tidak membuat cita zombie nih kat malaysia...

1 -->Orang Malaysia lebih takut antu len cthnya puntianak,pocong,penanggal,etc kerana rupa serta pemakaian mereka lebih misterius dan angker berbanding zombie yang pakai jeans serta tshirt Evisu dan bermuka ayu ala-ala cik Ros taman murni...

2-->Kalo anda perasan (bukan perasaan atau perasan cun), rumah2 di malaysia nih kebanyakannya ada besi grill(aku pon tatao nak eja menatang nih lgu mna) yang cover tingkap2 dan pintu2 nih...Sooo, lgu mna zombie nak masuk kalau mcm tuh???Baek kita dok umah tengok tv sambil menjamu selera tatkala menyedut asap rokok yang berkepul-kepul itu...Maka zombie pon akan terkapai2 meminta secebis bantuan serta ihsan dan simpati kita bagi menyediakan sedikit daging untuk mereka jamah bersama2 diluar pintu rumah kita...

#3-->Orang malaysia nih kadang2 terlebih hero...Yaaa,hero... Bukan mcm dalam KAPOWW tuh...Itu hero bangang...Ini mcm hero dalam cita tamil tuuh...Haaa~Jadiii, kalau dah suma orang nak jadi hero, sapa yang nak ditugaskan untuk menjadi takut dan menjerit dikala zombie menyerang tanpa rasa ragu2???Kalau macam nih, zombie yang lari ketakutan sebab manusia yang gila nak bunuh zombie...Ingat pesta ka apa...Ditambah pula, banyak pengamal-pengamal silat khususnya yang dikatakan boleh terbang serta menjadi kebal... Kalau macam tuh, sampai patah gigi zombie tuh gigit pun konferm tak lut...



Bolehkah kita cuba untuk buat filem zombie kalau perkara2 diatas diatasi???


Itu kena tanya penerbit~


Thursday, October 7, 2010


-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : The Rain - Dengar Bisikku-

It's been more than 1 year since I've last updated my blog...

I dunno why, I felt my passion for this blog has decreased...

But then, HERE I AM!!! Updating this stupid blog...

I dunno what should I write...

I've finished my 2 years studying period doing A-Levels in KYUEM...

Well, my results sucks...So, I'll be continuing my studies locally...

UIAM (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, or IIUM) would be my choice...

I wanted to apply for UM but I dunno when the intake is...

So, I'll just stick to UIAM...

A lot of things happened after my A-Levels, apart from me not flying to UK that is...

My Sister ( Ameelia)'s lover came "merisik" on the 2nd day of Syawal... It was a simple ceremony... I'm not gonna talk much bout it, it makes me sick... Not the ceremony, but the people that attended the ceremony... FUCK MY AUNTS!!!

Well... Enough with this shit...
Right now, things aren't looking too good for me and my Angel...

She's frustrated with me not replying her messages...

Well, I'm the one to be blame...Seriously... I was too busy playing games or doing something that is not important...

In other words, I'm wasting my fucking time doing shits...

I should spend more time being with her...Electronically that is... It's hard for us to even meet once a month... Believe it or not, we went out for only 15 times in this past 31 months we're dating... 4 days ago (3rd of October) marks our 31 months of we being together... And we only went out for 15 times!!! Yeah,we're THAT good~

Now, she's going to take some time to cool off... She started to use my name and her name when texting, and it kinda makes me sad... Because I know there's nothing that I can do about it... I have to give her some time to relax... Her finals are approaching... She told me that she's stressed, and doesn't want me to add up to her stress... I should've replied her message faster, not taking 10 to 30 minutes doing something that can be done in less that 30 seconds...

Right now, I'm so fucking tensed... It's only been 2 days since she started texting me like I'm just a friend... I am her friend, but this is different...I felt myself stranded on a fucking island, with her sailing away from me on a nice white coloured ship... To sum things up, I'M A FUCKING MESS!!! She's beginning to treat me like a normal friend, a guy with no special relations to her... And that makes me feel like an ASSHOLE!!!

I really hope that this won't be the beginning of the end of our beautiful relationship... I'm sorry Angel... I'll try to be a better lover... Herm...


Monday, July 13, 2009


-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS EPISODE : Sodom - Remember the Fallen -

This is not going to be a long post~






Anyway, I just wanted to share some things I have been doing this week~




It was a chaotic (for me at least) week~


Me and my bro, Ateh went for bowling…A FUCKIN LOT!!!



Yesterday, we went for bowling (again)…


And guess what???


I SCORED 202!!!


It has been a long time since I last scored 200 and above~


A fuckin long time, fellas~


Same goes to my bro, Ateh who scored 216~!!!




2 days ago, me, Ateh and my eldest bro, Izam went for jamming…


It wasn’t just a normal jamming session…






We jammed 5 songs(cuz we have to pay a fuckin lot for 1 hour session…30 mins recording, 30 mins erm, I don’t know…Something to do with aligning the music by the soundman…Credit goes to Tap Music…)…~


This is the list of songs we jammed/recorded :

1.Angin (Dewa)

2.Ashes to Ashes (Faith No More)

3.Attitude (Sepultura)

4.Remember The Fallen (Sodom)

5.Magic Dragon (Sodom)

I gave our band the name All Joint Suicide…The shorter form for this name is AJS which originally stand for “Anak Ja’afar Siddik”…But hey, I can’t put my Father’s name as the band’s name!!!We played trash-fuckin-metal for God’s sake!!!


The lineup for this band:

Ateh - Guitarist (a fuckin good one, I tell you)

Izam - Drummer (He introduced me to Sodom…Thanx bro!!!)

Afiq – Vocals (Ngahahaha!!! I suck, I know~)


I fucked up during the recording… I fucked up my throat earlier thanks to Dunhill... AND, because I forgot to bring mineral water... So, my voice sounded like a constipated man trying to force the shit out of his anus… Huuu~


I have the mp3 in my hp… I’ll keep it to myself~


Today, I’ll be going back to KYUEM, sadly~






I’ll miss my family a lot~









Sunday, July 5, 2009


-SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS POST : Cattle Decapitation - Regret & The Grave -


I just came back from Ipoh~

A 5-days trip to Ipoh~


It was superb!!!

Let me inform you guys first, I stayed in Ipoh for 5 years...Yerp...5 FUCKIN years!!!

That's why I love spending my time in Ipoh...I have lots of friends there!!!
Close friends, at least~

I started my journey on Tuesday morning (Tengkiu Mara Liner!!!)...I spent the night at one of my good friend's house,Khairul Amri bin Aznan(yeah,your name is stated here,my fuckin friend)...Adri Arshad(you too,my fucked up friend!!!) picked me up when I arrived in ipoh (medan gopeng,ku merinduimu)...I can't really remember what we did or where we went after that...I think we went for lunch...Hahaha...The first day,nothing much happened cuz Krol was sick...We just lepak2 and sembang2 in his room...Too bad Khairil Azuwa bin Abd. Khalid wasn't with us...He's currntly doing IB to go Japan...Sponsored by JPA... We went for karaoke when I was in Ipoh!!!Waaa!!! The karaoke place was situated in Ipoh Garden Plaza...The E-Box Karaoke!!!Can u imagine,RM10 for 4 hours of non-stop lung-bursting karaoke???!!!IT WAS A HELL OF A GOOD TIME!!! For fuck's sake,we even sang the song Ayam by Jalil Hamid,Aci-aci buka pintu, and 1 song by Aishah and another one by Shima!!!Hahaha!!!But it was a GREAT time...A lot of Pepsi and food...Yerp,free food!!!Ngahahaha~Don't ask me the amount of cigarette smoked by me and Joe (Amirul Johari,u are one fucked up bastard)...Hahaha~

Owh yeah,one night,when me and Krol came back to his home from ,erm,I can't remember where,his mom fell sick...His Mom and Dad went to the hospital immediately...She ate pulut and durian before that...Maybe it was "angin"...The next day,me and Krol went to the hospital (Ipoh Specialist Centre...A fuckin cool and cold hospital)...

I nearly shed tears when I saw Krol's Mom on the hospital bed...Old memories struck my fuckin head...Herm...She's gonna be fine...

Then,Krol encountered his old crush,Zati Asma...Let me tell you guys a bit bout Zati...She's sweet and good-hearted...Erm,shorter than me but not too short...And she's studying nursing in KPJ...Right now,she is finishing her second semester as a REAL nurse in ISC(Ipoh Specialists Centre)... That's it,you have to see her first before you make any fuckin judgement bout her being... I don't have any pics of her...If I do,My Angel might transform into an Angel of Death and kill me... Heee~LABIU BEBEH!!!

This is NOT Zati Asma...
Owh yeah,I bought a fuckin pair of slippers at Gerbang Malam!!!Hahaha!!!Ciplak nya maaa~It cost me RM20...Hehehe~Owh, we did went for a frame of snooker at greentown...Haaa~I WON THE FUCKIN FRAME!!!Ngahahaha!!!Erm,just for the record,I smoke 1 pack of cigarettes(20 cigs...Dunhill,of course) per day during my stay inIpoh~Ngehehehe~SOLI AGAIN MY ANGEL!!!LABIU BEBEH!!!

All of us(Me,Krol,Adri,Joe) went to visit Krol's Mum one night...We went to check-out the nurses as well...Ngahahaha...No pics of the nurses,sadly...But I can tell you this,they're hot as fuckin hell!!Ngahahaha~

FROM LEFT:Joe and Adri
Krol and his Mum...GET WELL SOON ANTIE!!!
Krol's Dad...
Friday,me,Krol and his Dad went to Malacca for Krol's UiTM registration...IT WAS A FUCKED UP DAY!!!The night before,me and Krol went to sleep at Adri's house...I slept at 5.33 a.m, playing Army of Two on the Xbox360...It was sooo fuckin awesome!!!ARGH!!!I WANT TO HAVE AN XBOX360!!!Huuu~ On the way back,we picked up Krol's Opah...Heee...Then back to the hospital...Aiyaaa~And I forgot to bring my sweater along...Huuu~

I think that's it for now....At least~

I can't fuckin remember the exact events during this trip...Mental block~

Fuck this shit...

Ciao fellas...
